How To Draw A Banner? 4 Different Banners And Easy Ways

Simple step-by-step instructions are provided to help you learn how to draw a banner. Four different banners: a simple straight banner to get you started, a nice wavy banner for a better look, and an ultimate double banner to show off all the tricks you might need for any banner shape. Continue reading, you will learn more about the banner draw.

Quick Way to Draw a Banner

  1. Draw two parallel lines as your first step.
  2. Step 2: Finish the ends off.
  3. Step 3: Extend two parallel sets of lines from the rectangle.
  4. Add the angles to the edges in Step 4 to complete the shapes.
  5. Add angled connections in step five. Voila! A very straightforward, straight banner.

What Are the Tools You Need?

  • Marker Paper
  • Rhodia Graph Paper
  • Tombow Twin Tone Markers
  • Ruler

How to Draw a Banner?

Straight Banners

Step 1: Draw two parallel lines

Step 2: Close off the ends

how to draw a banner

Step 3: Draw two sets of parallel lines coming off the rectangle

Step 4: Add the angles and edges and close off the shapes

how to draw a banner

Step 5: Add an angled connection

Wavy Banners

Step 1: Draw your first two parallel lines in a wavy fashion

how to draw a banner

Step 2: Close off the ends (see step 2, straight banners above)

Step 3: Draw two sets of parallel lines coming off the rectangle but on opposite sides this time

how to draw a banner

Repeat Steps 4 & 5 of the straight banner, above

how to draw a banner

Curved Banners

Step 1: Draw dots in the three spots where your curved line will be and connect it

Step 2: Close off the ends

Step 3: Draw two sets of parallel lines coming off the rectangle

Step 4: Add the angles and edges and close off the shapes

Step 5: Add an angled connection

Ribbon Banner

This ribbon banner can be made in four simple steps. A fun greeting or a name would be ideal for it.

how to draw a banner

First, make two wavy, parallel lines.

Then connect them by drawing two short lines.

Then, on both sides of your banner, draw side ribbons.

Finally, make a tiny line connecting the loops on the banner’s sides to the banner itself.

Conclusion On Draw Banners

Drawing banners are easy. Do you learn how to draw four banners like straight banners, wavy banners, curved banners, ribbon banner from this article?