How Much Does A Peacock Cost? Different Main Peacock And Other Cost

Adult peacocks range in price from $35 to over $300. It can cost over $1,000 for rare varieties with specific traits.

The price depends on the peacock’s age and condition. Eggs and peachicks cost less, ranging from $10 to $100. Continue reading, and you will learn different peacocks have different prices, and there are other costs like housing, feeding, and medicine.

How Much Does Peacock Cost?

Peacocks are less expensive as pets than some others. With a few hundred dollars, you can get one that is good and healthy. A grown peacock would typically cost between $35 and $275. The cost of healthy birds with straight toes and no flaws is higher than the cost of birds with flaws. You can purchase one for between $35 and $55 if it has flaws like black spots on its feathers or poor toes.

How Much Does Peachicks Cost?

Many people purchase Peachick in order to share in their growing-up journey. Peachicks are also considerably less expensive to purchase than adult peacocks, which is another reason why most people choose them.

Peachicks cost between $10 and $30 to purchase. For the initial few months, Peachicks’ raising costs are also lower. Breeders frequently need a bundle of four or more hatching eggs, which are also sold. Breeders frequently purchase a large number of eggs at once because eggs are typically sold in bundles. You’ll pay between $45 and $85 for egg-hatching services.

What Are the Main Species of Peafowl?

Peacocks have three main species: Green peafowl, or The Javanese (Pavo muticus), India Blue, or Indian (Pavo cristatus), and the Congo peafowl, or the African (Afropavo congensis), which isn’t popular in the United States. (Source)

The Congo peafowl is essentially extinct in the United States for two main reasons. It is firstly in danger.

Second, the Congo peafowl does not resemble a typical peacock in appearance. Instead, it resembles a cross between a wild turkey and one of the other two peacock breeds. With a thick, short tail that flares up, they have a patchwork of vibrant colors. Cute but very different.

Java Green Peafowl and Subspecies

how much does a peacock cost

Of the two primary species of peacocks found in the US, the green peafowl is the less prevalent. But their genetics were combined with those of the Indian Blue to produce the $75–$150 Spalding peacock. In addition to being less vocal, the green peafowl has a lower voice. Their tails are less fan-shaped and more tall and compact.

It is challenging to find a true Java Green, as they are frequently referred to. Its subspecies are more difficult. A Java Green will therefore cost you close to $2,000 when you find a breeder willing to sell one. (source)

The three subspecies are:

  • Pavo muticus-muticus
  • Pavo muticus-imperator
  • Pavo muticus-specifier

Indian Blue Peafowl and Color Mutations

The Indian Blue is the typical peacock that populates Western literature and folklore. Everyday blue peafowl will set you back between $50 and $75 per bird. However, they’ll enhance your property’s beauty, consume bugs, and are generally simple to maintain.

But you must purchase an authentic Indian Blue from a reputable breeder who is a United Peafowl Association member if you want one with all the necessary paperwork. They cost a lot more to buy these India Blues. It costs $1,355 for eight-day-old, unsexed chicks. You’ll have to pay $650 for a breeding pair that is two years old and $525 for a pair that is a yearling. (source)(source)(source)(source)

The United Peafowl Association has now approved about 225 color mutations in India Blues as a result of selective breeding. Of course, there are a lot more types of peafowl. However, there are peacocks that don’t belong in a specific breeding category, just like there are oddball dogs. (source)

There are official restrictions and regulations for each accepted color variation, just like with any organization dedicated to animal breeding. The color percentages and the locations where the colors should appear are listed. Random patches or colors outside the percentages will make them “flawed” and thus much more affordable.

The 225 official varieties that are sold are only a small portion of what is listed below.

Black-Shouldered Peafowl

Rather than having a color mutation, this peafowl has a pattern mutation. From a local vendor, these typically cost $50 to $100 per bird. More subcategories from breeders include split Midnight, split Charcoal, Black Shoulder Silver Pied, and Montana Black Shoulder; prices range from $200 to more than $1000 depending on the type.

Cameo Peafowl

how much does a peacock cost

The male cameos have white facial skin, with chocolate brown crests and heads. The wings and train are light tans and browns. The final product is a creamy bird with brown accents that resembles a bride on her wedding day.

These birds are between $200 and $250. Breeding pairs go for $600-$700 each.

White Peafowl

First up is the white peafowl, as it is the first mutation to hit the scene. These peacocks are not albinos. However, they have an “absence of color” gene that prevents colors from appearing in their adult feathers. With the exception of a blood test, it is impossible to predict at birth whether a peafowl will have a white body, a black shoulder, or its own peculiar pattern. At birth, all of the chicks will be a light yellow color, resembling chickens, and they won’t show any signs of what they’ll become in the future.

No matter where you find them, white peafowls are prized. For your standard white, budget $200 to $250. It will cost between $650 and $750 for two if you want to buy an official breeding pair.

Violette Peafowl

Violette peafowls are extremely rare and difficult to obtain from sources other than authorized breeders. Their tail feathers are beetle green, purple, and an extremely dark violet color. Therefore, expect to pay at least $1000 for a breeding pair.

What is the Peacock Breeds Purchase Prices?

With their appearance, coloration, and gait, many peacock breeds have won over admirers. Those who are knowledgeable about the bird and its breeds might want to choose the most attractive one. We will list all the prices here rather than having you look elsewhere for each breed’s price.

Black Shoulder Peacock is very good-looking, having black wings with a greenish-blue iridescent sheen. A Black Shoulder Peacock typically costs $50 to $100.

Cameo Peacock does not have as rich coloring as other breeds. Creamy brown neck feathers are followed by darker chocolate brown feathers. Cameo gains an advantage thanks to its distinctive coloring, which ultimately drives up prices. Cameo Peacock typically sells for between $200 and $250.

Indigenous to the Indian subcontinent, India Blue

Is known by different Peacock names like Blue peafowl, Indian peafowl, and common peafowl. It can be purchased for between $50 and $75 and is a widely available breed.

Pied counts among one of the most beautiful Peacock breeds with white patches on their wings ranging in price from $175 to $250.

Named after the late Mrs. Spalding of California, Spalding was produced after the crossing of India is blue, and Java is green. They go for between $75 and $125.

White Pure white is the only color found in a peacock. Price increases are acceptable because this breed of color is rare. Be prepared to pay up to $250 or even more for them.

how much does a peacock cost

How Much Does It Cost to Own a Peacock?

The initial purchase price is important to the majority of people, and it is the only factor they consider when choosing a product. However, the rising cost is what they should focus on. The Peacock would require much less maintenance than some large pets.


You must purchase their regular diet from the market because these animals do not graze on pastures. They are dependent on wheat, worms, ants, crickets, fruit, nuts, berries, corn, and other agrarian products to survive. A peacock pet owner would require a $10–$20 monthly feeding budget. In order to keep their content, you should also give them their preferred foods and snacks.


The majority of people prefer to keep them in cages because they are birds. The owner of a peacock must construct a space large enough for the bird to move around freely and spread its train if it is constantly kept in a cage or fence. The ideal cage height for a captive bird is 16 feet. It might set you back a few hundred dollars.

A small enclosure would suffice because free-roaming peafowl spends the majority of their days exploring the property. No need to make it extravagant because the birds will only spend the nights there.

Additionally, the floor should be made of concrete because predators frequently pierce the fence with their claws and attack the birds.

Medical Care

Peacocks are robust animals that are rarely ill. You might avoid going to the vet for years if you are given the proper conditions and a nutritionally balanced diet. Check with the breeder or seller before purchasing a peafowl to see if the bird requires any treatment for internal or external parasites.

Tips to Know Before You Buying Peacock

A crowded environment can harm the chicks greatly, so be careful not to overcrowd them.

Make sure the water is always clean. If at all possible, empty the water tank once per week at the very least.

In order to grow at a healthy rate, smaller peach chicks frequently consume foods high in protein.

Sometimes people ponder whether peacocks can fly. They can fly, but not very high or far is the correct response.

Where to Buy Bird Peacocks?

It would be preferable to buy a peacock from a local breeder. The majority of farms don’t export them because of their size and health concerns. You must also pay about $100 for boarding if the breeder has agreed to ship the animal.

If you type “Peacock For Sale,” many websites with various listings may come up. If local farms are unable to supply your preferred breed, only choose the online option.

FAQ About a Peacock Cost

What Are Peacocks Good For?

Rodents, amphibians, and various insects are all consumed by peacocks. Most people keep them in order to reduce the number of pests. Furthermore, they notify the property owners if a predator enters the area.

Can You Buy Peacocks as Pets?

People like to display peacocks as ornamental birds because they are quite popular. Due to their scarcity and popularity, the green and white species command higher prices. Although they can be purchased as pets, they do not make good guardians or companions.

Are Peacocks Easy to Keep?

Peacocks are difficult to keep due to their temperament and nature. Urban built-up areas are not where they were intended to live. They should be kept in a sizable pen or aviary, and are best suited for country homes or rural areas.

How Much Does a Peacock Egg Cost?

Any type of egg, regardless of size or color, would run you about $40. The price could increase to $50 if postage, insurance, and handling fees are included.
Lastly, Peacocks are stunning birds that are less expensive to own as pets than other animals. Additionally, it is safe to say that their low-maintenance lifestyle is not expensive despite the rising cost.

Conclusion on a Peacock Cost

Peacock prices vary because there are numerous breeds of them. Baby peachicks can be bought for a lot less money, making them a better choice if you want a devoted and affectionate pet. Adult peacocks are also available for purchase, and their costs range from $40 to $300.

The most expensive peacocks are white; however, in India Blue peacocks are the most prevalent and consequently the least expensive. Transportation from the breeder’s farm as well as the construction of a sizable coop is additional expense to take into account. Peacocks are a great addition to any hobby farm overall, though.